Member of the Month: Lawrence Yen
Tell us about yourself! It can be about anything – where you grew up, your professional background, your hobbies, etc.
I grew up in the leafy Maryland suburbs outside of Washington, D.C. and went to school in Philadelphia. Now, I live in NYC and work in management consulting. My job has me travelling a lot, which allows me to come back to New York with fresh eyes and senses every weekend. In the city, I enjoy checking out music venues in Brooklyn, visiting art and cultural museums around the city, and improving my Latin dance abilities.
Why did you join TAP? What are your favorite events?
I joined TAP because I was a member of a Taiwanese student group in college, and several of the members of that group who had joined TAP introduced me to it when I got to NYC. TAP is a great community because it provides opportunities to pursue things you are passionate about, or to explore new interests. I love how varied TAP events are – whether you are interested in sports, cooking, volunteering, art, culture or just want to meet new people – TAP offers you that opportunity.
Tell us something cool that happened to you this past year.
I went on vacation to India to visit my sisters. The Taj Mahal is even more majestic in person!
If we wanted to hang out, where would we find you?
My favorite LES / Nolita coffee shops or some music venue in Brooklyn.
What’s your advice for newer members who want to get more involved?
Get to know the board members – they are all super friendly and welcoming. They are eager to introduce you to other people or invite you to participate or volunteer at ongoing initiatives and events. That’s a great place to start!